You're invited to join us during this, the 16th Sunday After Pentecost, as we are once again blessed to be led in a service of Holy Eucharistic by the Reverend Dr. Grayhame Bowcott. This is a service of song, Scripture reading, reflection, and prayer. The Scripture readings today are read by Monica Wilkinson, and Fritzy Nydam,  and Ruth McWhirter leads us in the Prayers of the People. Together with choir members Judy Stewart and Gail Rows,  and Rev. Bowcott, Music Director, Mrs. Janet Cringle, leads us in offerings of musical worship.

May this offering of worship to our Lord speak into your life and help you to feel connected with His Church, and specifically,  our family of faith here at St. George's. 

Blessings in the rest of your week!

"Church Beyond Our Doors" is an outreach ministry of St. George's, The Anglican Parish of the Blue Mountains, in Clarksburg, Ontatrio.